AUGUST 10, 2014
Hey everyone! Well this week went by super fast! It is a little weird to be emailing a day early, next time we have a normal p day, like one week from tomorrow I will just be back on the normal time and schedule for emailing. Well this week was way good! On Monday we just did the normal P day stuff and the other Turku elders got a mini missionary, just this 17 year old kid from a nearby city who was with them for the week so they brought him to basketball on monday and that was way fun! We had a good day on Tuesday of normal missionary work. We had a lesson with our new investigator on his friend that is a member and that went really well. Unfortunately he will be out of town till next week though, but it was a good lesson and he said he would read the book of mormon! Wednesday we had a zone meeting up in Tampere so we had to wake up early to go to that but it was really good! I got to eat lunch with some buddies afterwards and we all had a good time. It's way weird all of my former companions are going to be leaving soon or are already gone. I got a phone call from my trainer last wednesday night, Elder Christiansen, because he was flying home the next day. It was super weird. I remember sitting ont the train with him to Seinäjoki my first night in Finland and him saying that he had 10 months left and that it was still a really long time. But now ten months later he's gone. Super weird how the time just flew by. Then elder wood only has one more change after this one and then elder anderson leaves the following change. So they're all dropping like flies, it's way sad. Well Thursday we had a good day, we got together with the other elders and their mini missionary at this way cool member's house and I made a giant batch of pancakes! It was awesome! Everyone thought they were delicious. Also, a way cool thing happened while we were at this guys house. This guy that I met at fest di nord who is from England called me. This guy is way cool, he's like 22 and got baptized like 8 months ago and he is already his ward's ward mission leader and is planning on going on a mission himself. So anyway this guy called me and gave me some information on a referral he had for us! Apparently whil he was here during fest di nord he was at a restaurant with his other british friend and this older lady came up and asked them what they were doing in finland and stuff and then all of a sudden she just said "Are you guys mormons?" And they said ya how did you know that? And she said that when she was a really little girl she remembers two guys that came over to her house a few times and talked to her parents and stuff and that the two british guys just reminded her of the mormon missionaries. So they started talking about the church a little bit and they started telling this Lady that God is our Heavenly Father and that he loves us and this lady just started crying. She was feeling the spirit super strong and so they talked a little while with her and then the British guys explained that they were leaving finland soon, but that they had friends in Turku that could talk to her about this stuff. So now we have this ladies info and are trying to set up an appointment with her! It was an awesome story. So I really hope we can get in touch with her. So then the rest of the week was just normal missionary work! We leave in a couple hours to head down to Espoo where we'll be stayiing this week. We're going to have the training stuff at the mission home which is in Espoo which is right next to Heslinki so I'll be there all week and then get to go to the temple on Wednesday and then come home that night! I'm not really sure what we'll do there mom since it's a new mission president but the trainers just sit in the meetings with the new companions the whole time so I'll find out. Well that's all the exciting stuff from the week! I love you guys so much! Have a good week!
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