Well hello everyone! I hope that you all had a great week, I'm so sorry to hear that it has been a hard week in Utah. I hope that everyone is doing ok, I will remember Lisa and her family in my prayers. Well I can't believe that it's already almost mothers day! I am so excited to skype you guys I cannot wait!!! I will skyping at a members house and it will be awesome! I hope I get to see all the kids too they all look so big now I can't believe it. Why do babies grow up so fast! I'm going to get a nice euro hair cut today because I'm getting a little shaggy so I'll be looking super posh and trendy for you guys on skype. (I'm just kidding I'm just getting a normal hair cut)
Well we had a pretty good week here! There were two red days which means we cant go out and do missionary work because the last day of April and the first for May is called Vappu and it's a super big holiday here. It's like all of the college and high school kids graduate and it's just a massive festival and party for two days so the streets were covered in Finns haha. Unfortunately, I got super sick on Wednesday and am still sick so that's never fun. I've just had a fever and sinus infection and now have a smokers cough and all that so that's been rough. But we had some super good days though despite all the interruptions. We had a couple super good lessons with our investigator! On wednesday we retaught the restoration because it had been a while and he was still struggling with some of the basic things. So we retaught it all and cleared up some questions he had. He still had a little trouble understanding what it meant to be a prophet though and who Joseph smith really was so on Saturday we went over with the Restoration dvd and it was awesome! He loves movies so we thought he would enjoy it and it went even better than we expected! Before we watched the movie we were chatting about his baptismal date which is set for June 7th and he was saying that he really wants to but he's just worried that he's not sincere enough yet to make such a big life changing decision. So we watched the movie and he loved it. The spirit was super strong and he was feeling it for sure. After the movie we all knealt down and he said a super sincere prayer and really asked God if all of the things we have taught him were true. The spirit was crazy strong and he felt it for sure. He has trouble accepting and knowing what it is because it's all so new to him but he agreed to read a specific chapter of the Book of Mormon that we gave him and he was super happy. Probably one of the best lessons I have been in on my mission if not THE best. He wasn't able to make it to church unfortunately because he had some other work thing going on but he said next week for sure. We're going to explain to him this week that he will have to quit smoking so that he can be baptized and he has already been trying to quit on his own but it's still hard obviously so we're hoping that goes well. We also had a cool experience with a less active guy this week. We meet with this guy once a week and he always says he'll come to church and knows he needs to but gets scared at the last minute. So this week we just asked him what we can do to help him come to church and he asked for a blessing so I gave him a blessing and it was great! He came to church yesterday and had a great time! So overall a super good week!
We also got do to some fun stuff like on Saturday we went to the castle as a district!! It was so awesome! I took tons of pictures but I loved it. It was the first cultural thing I've done here in Finland and I love museums and stuff like that and they had all sorts of cool artwork and stuff like that that was like 800 years old. On some of the walls of the castle there are drawings and writings and stuff it was just super cool. Also on Saturday the bishop and his wife invited us over to their place to eat. I had never been over there before and turns out they live in the country side and to get to their house we had to walk accross this little bridge over a river and then a couple kilometers through some farmland and it was just beautiful! Exactly what I imagined Finland would be like haha it was awesome.
Well this week we have a zone meeting on Tuesday in Tampere and then I get to skype you guys on Sunday so I can't wait! I love you all! Have a great week!
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