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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Elder Holland Conference

June 9, 2015

Hey everybody! 

We had a pretty fun week over here, and sounds like a busy week back home. That's so crazy that Mandy and Danen and the boys are off to Florida, how exciting! I loved the picture of Wilson and Theo in their carseats, it looks like wilsons getting ready to be shirtless at the beach all the time! And Indie is getting baptized on Saturday! That's so exciting, how can she be 8? I feel like it wasn't too long ago that she was a tiny baby sucking on peanut butter bagels at Panara Bakery. That is so cool, tell Indie I love her and am so excited for her! 

Well we had a cool week and had some good lessons. We got to go up to a city called Kemi to do splits there and had a nice day there. Kemi is a tiny little town and we got rained on super hard in the afternoon so I had to dry my socks off by holding them over the stove for a while when we got home but it was a pretty fun day. I talked about that one college student finnish guy last week, he's doing well. He's super receptive and understands everything we teach very well. He's feeling the spirit and progressing pretty quickly! We had a way cool church meeting on Sunday too. Elder Holland was in Scotland at a stake conference there that they broadcast to the whole north Europe area so that's Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and all of Great Britain. So we had it broadcast to us and we got to watch the whole stake conference. It was an awesome meeting. Elder Holland gave a great talk about the Book of Mormon. How it is the proof of the Restoration and how it will stand till the last day as a testimony of Jesus Christ. He talked about how nobody and nothing can every take away the validity of the Book of Mormon when we get a testimony of it's truthfulness. The whole conference was great though. We had three investigators and our Finnish family that we've taught for a while now, all in church. The Finnish family were out of town for a couple weeks but they're back and they're doing super well! So it was a pretty great week altogether. There's always people that drop off and disappointments that come but the week always seems to end on a high note and you feel good about it. 

This coming week we have a zone meeting here in Oulu tomorrow. So we've been preparing for that and will have elders staying with us tonight for that. We're going to talk about some teaching skills and how fear diminishes our ability to teach well. So we'll talk a lot about having confidence and chasing out fear to teach more powerfully. 

Well that's about it for the week. I love you guys so much! 

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